Okhunjon Gaibullayev's blog

Sayt tuzish
Creating a page, adding a menu, writing an article and adding a section to a WordPress site are practical tasks
Hello everyone! Let’s look at some technical parts for creating a WordPress site. In
Lesson 5: Mini-course on preparing a site in WordPress
Greetings! Let’s start the fifth lesson of the mini-course of preparing a site in
Lesson 4: Installing and activating a template on a WordPress site
Greetings! We will start the fourth lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site
Lesson 1: Preparing a WordPress site locally
Greetings! Let’s start the first lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site in
denwer va joomlani o'rnatamiz
In 20 minutes, we will install Denver and Joomla on our computer and create a site
Hello, regular readers and guests of my blog. I am Okhunjon with you again.
rasm, maqola sarlavhalarni asrash
Are sites stealing your content? Stop it!
Hello readers of my blog. I am Okhunjon with you again. In this article,
Bitta sahifadagi barcha maqolalalar
How to list all articles on the site? Site content
Hello readers of my blog! Let’s take a look at how to publish a
WordPress saytining aloqa, bog'lanish formasini qanday tayyorlanadi
How to make a contact form for a WordPress site
Hello users of my blog! We will study the preparation of the site’s contact
WordPress nimalardan tuzilgan va u qanday ishlaydi?
What is WordPress made of and how does it work?
Hello readers of my blog! I am Okhunjon with you. Today we will learn
WordPress dashboard settings menu functions
Greetings! We are starting the third lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site