Okhunjon Gaibullayev's blog

ma'lumotlar ombori boshqarish tizimi haqida
Basic concepts about database (repository)!
Hi guys! I am glad to see you again, this article will be about
Arraylistdan foydalanish qanday bo'ladi
Introduction to ArrayList in Java!!!
Hello dear readers of my blog. Let’s start learning data structures in the Java
Algoritm yozish
Algorithm writing steps, with examples!
Hello dear readers of my blog! In programming (in any programming language), it is
Ma'lumotlar tuzilmalari, tarkibi va algoritm
Becoming a programmer without knowing what data structures and algorithm are!!!
Hi guys! Okhunjon with you again. I want to provide information about data structures
Obyekt, klass sinf metodlar
General understanding of object, class methods and method calling in programming!
Hello dear readers of my blog! In this article, I want to clarify the
Diqqat moshennik
Beware of Internet scams! And how to avoid them?
Have you come across scam sites, scams, scams on the internet? Read this article
Yandex dengi identifikatsiyasi
How to identify yourself outside of Russia from Yandex Dengy. How to write an application for Yandex Dengi identification.
Hello friends and visitors of my site. Today, according to many requests, I decided
Wordpress plaginlar
TOP 7 WordPress plugins. Add additional features to a site template.
List of TOP 7 most needed plugins on WordPress sites. Install plugins on your
Ingliz tilini o'rganish
“He who knows the language knows” says our wise people! But how can you live by learning the language?
Hello everyone! Okhunjon Gaybullayev is with you again. Knowing a foreign language can help
Internetda savdo qilish
Do you know how to shop on Amazon?
About Amazon: What is Amazon? How to buy from Amazon? You will learn from
Alexpresdan sotib olish
Want to buy from AliExpress? Then read this article!
Hello readers of uzinfobiz.ru! I want to tell you what Aliexpress is, how to
Hamkorlik dasturi
Affiliate is the best way to make money. What is partnership? What is it eaten with?
What is an affiliate program? How to use an affiliate program to make money
Internet serviz xizmatlari
A list of useful services on the Internet that you did not know about…
Here is a list of services that people who want to start their own
Host tanlash
Why do I recommend Mchost hosting?
We need a good host when creating a website. Find out about such a
Faylni qayerda saqlash kerak
Keep your photos, videos and important files together with Dropbox
Hello dear readers of my blog! I would like to provide information on how
Sayt tuzish
Creating a page, adding a menu, writing an article and adding a section to a WordPress site are practical tasks
Hello everyone! Let’s look at some technical parts for creating a WordPress site. In