Okhunjon Gaibullayev's blog

Sayt qanday rivojlantirish
How to write an effective seo article for the site. Basic requirements for writing articles for the site!
Are you writing a lot of articles on your site or blog, but the
Banner tayyorlash
We will make a Flash banner for site advertising in 10 minutes!
Hello dear readers of my site uzinfobiz.ru. I am with you Ohunjan. Today we
Lesson 5: Mini-course on preparing a site in WordPress
Greetings! Let’s start the fifth lesson of the mini-course of preparing a site in
Lesson 4: Installing and activating a template on a WordPress site
Greetings! We will start the fourth lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site
Lesson 1: Preparing a WordPress site locally
Greetings! Let’s start the first lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site in
denwer va joomlani o'rnatamiz
In 20 minutes, we will install Denver and Joomla on our computer and create a site
Hello, regular readers and guests of my blog. I am Okhunjon with you again.
rasm, maqola sarlavhalarni asrash
Are sites stealing your content? Stop it!
Hello readers of my blog. I am Okhunjon with you again. In this article,
Bitta sahifadagi barcha maqolalalar
How to list all articles on the site? Site content
Hello readers of my blog! Let’s take a look at how to publish a
One of the operators of the Java programming language is the Increment and Decrement operator!
Our lesson will focus on Increment and Decrement operators, which are the heart of
Learning how to prompt a user for input in a Java program!
This lesson consists of learning how to perform a task on the input of
What are variables? How is it used with arithmetic operations?
Our second lesson will be about variables and their use. This lesson is explained
WordPress saytining aloqa, bog'lanish formasini qanday tayyorlanadi
How to make a contact form for a WordPress site
Hello users of my blog! We will study the preparation of the site’s contact
Sayt fayllarini nima uchun zaxiralab borish juda muhim
Why is it important to back up your site files?
Hello users of my blog! This article is very important for webmasters and those
WordPress nimalardan tuzilgan va u qanday ishlaydi?
What is WordPress made of and how does it work?
Hello readers of my blog! I am Okhunjon with you. Today we will learn
WordPress dashboard settings menu functions
Greetings! We are starting the third lesson of our mini-course on preparing a site
ma'lumotlar ombori boshqarish tizimi haqida
Basic concepts about database (repository)!
Hi guys! I am glad to see you again, this article will be about