Blog Oxunjon Gaybullayeva

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Affiliate is the best way to make money. What is partnership? What is it eaten with?

What is an affiliate program? How to use an affiliate program to make money online?

Hi guys! Together with you, Okhunjon Gaybullaev, and in today’s article, we will review and study the working principles of affiliate programs, which can be said to be the first of the largest and most profitable ways to make money on the Internet.

What is an affiliate program? – in Russian it is called partnerskaya program, in English it is also called affiliate program or partner program (also called referral program or partnersky marketing).

Affiliate program – why is it necessary? How is it structured? And I will try to explain in simple and understandable language why this method of making money for those who have just started working on the Internet can be a good source of income for them.

As a proof of my word, you can see my results when working in the affiliate program at the end of the article.

Who is this article for?

For those who have opened their personal or organizational projects on the Internet and want to earn income by developing them. For example: have an internet magazine, have a personal blog or site, webmasters, etc.

And for those who do not have any project on the Internet, but want to make money on the Internet.


What is an affiliate program?

What is a referral program?

Affiliate links and how do they work?

The benefits of an affiliate program and why you need it?

How much money can be earned in the affiliate program?

Where to start?

  1. What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a partnership between a person who has a product to sell and another person who sells (recommends) to others for each sale of that product for an agreed fee.

I think we all know that there are such online stores on the Internet, where we can buy any product without leaving home, for example; from clothes to head to furniture, from food to appliances and so on.

One such online store is Aliexpress. Aliexpress has a CPA-set E-Commerce affiliate program. Anyone can register and work in this program. You register in it and take affiliate links to the products you want from stores and recommend them to your friends on social networks (odnaklassniki, vkontakte, etc.) or on your personal site.

Your friends will read your posts about the product while watching the news, become interested and buy the product through your affiliate link. And you will be paid a certain percentage of the price of the product for this, percentages: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% and may be more.

These funds will be credited to your account number in your personal cabinet in the affiliate program, and you can transfer these funds to your electronic wallets or bank plastic card. Everything is simple!

You can get any product for sale, for example, various training courses, paid services, someone’s personal services, etc.

You can also promote your friend’s products on the Internet, who creates a site on the Internet or is engaged in other activities, agreeing to bring customers and receive a certain percentage of the sold products. This is called affiliate marketing.

  1. What is a referral program?

Many affiliate programs also have a referral program. What does it mean? In this case, you will not only bring a customer to the product, but you will also bring a partner like you to this program, and you will also receive a certain share of the product sold by him.

Referral (eng. referral) is the second person registered in the program from the referral chain of the affiliate program participant.

We have studied the principle of the partnership program, now let’s see how it is done from a practical point of view.

  1. Affiliate links and how they work?

After registering for the affiliate program, a personal account will be opened for you. In this cabinet, you will receive a special link with your RefID and special materials for promoting products on the Internet. Also, through the cabinet, you can see all the information, that is, who came, how many customers came, what they bought, etc.

The chains will look like this:

The text written in black on the link indicates from whose link the buyer came to the system, that is, your ID.

As soon as the buyer enters such a link, information about him is stored in his browser (on his computer) and in the system of the affiliate program, and his actions are tracked through the system. Depending on the terms of the affiliate program, this information is stored from a few hours to several years.

For example, a buyer

Came to a product from your link but didn’t buy anything or get a free product and exited the page. Then after a day or a few months he remembered about the product and came back to the page to buy the product.

But he came directly through your link and bought the product, not from your link. Even then, you will be allocated a share of the product he bought, because the information about him is saved in his browser and application system.

If the customer comes to the product through another computer (not from the computer he first logged in), the system cannot determine that he came from your link, and you will not be allocated a share.

Therefore, in some systems, access to the product via e-mail has been established. If the customer enters from another computer and buys the product by entering the same e-mail address that he entered for the first time, the system determines that the customer came through your link and allocates a share to you.

Here I will give you a little praise for my affiliate program (((. Why? Because in addition to the e-mail access to the system of my affiliate program, the “Discount” system is also organized. What does this mean? In this, you, the customers, the products in the program you can give various discounts yourself.

With this, you will achieve two great achievements, the first: you will be able to sell a lot of products by giving a discount to the products you want, and the second: the customer who entered the discount coupon will be linked to you in the system for life, and you will you’ll get a share of each customer’s next purchase.

If you bring 100 or 1000 of such clients instead of one… calculate the income yourself. Here’s a permanent income for life, these words…

Sorry we got off topic…

do you understand If something is unclear, you can ask in the comments.

  1. What is the benefit of the affiliate program and why is it necessary?

You must be well aware that the affiliate program is a revolutionary step in marketing and what opportunities it opens up for us.

For people selling their products, this is a great opportunity to get a lot of customers without paying for any advertising. You become a member of our program and get paid for the products you sell. Customers recommend you to others. They will take care of all advertising and headaches

For people who don’t have any products to sell, this is a great opportunity to start making money online without spending any money. There are dozens of free and paid ways that I know of to promote and sell affiliate products online.

I recently opened my affiliate program for all those who are just starting to make money on the Internet.

Visit my program, it will be very interesting, maybe this day you will be lucky and earn your first money on the Internet.

  1. How much money can be earned in the affiliate program?

There are people on the Internet who make $10,000, $100,000 just from affiliate programs. These are now abroad. In our network, there are people who earn 1000, 2000, 3000 dollars and more per month.

What I mean:

How much money to earn depends on everyone, that is, how much you search, study the instructions and try to use them in practice, you can make good money through the affiliate program. Only, most importantly, you should be able to find interest and enthusiasm for this work.

Don’t take it as PR, I opened a separate blog (site) that gives detailed information about making money in the affiliate program, that is, teaching how to work in the affiliate program. Here is my site:

Visit my site and use it!

It doesn’t matter whether you work in my affiliate program or other affiliate programs. The knowledge you get from this blog will be useful for working in all affiliate programs.

As proof of my word, I earned 1998 rubles for just one recommendation in one affiliate program, without advertising a single product. The picture below is my personal cabinet in the affiliate program:

I recommended a product on Runet. The owner of the site transferred my earned money to my webmoney wallet, and when I went to my wallet a week later, I saw that the money had been deposited:

1998 rubles to our soums (08/03/2018) is 245,858 soums. Now calculate this oil yourself, how much will it cost if you recommend and sell 10 products in a month? – a little less than two and a half million. What if you sell 20 times?… This is how you can get the answer to the question of how much money you can make in affiliate programs.

  1. And the sixth- Where to start?

Where to start? Why not?

do you need hlash? – a must start with my affiliate blog. Because affiliate programs provide all the information to make good (more) money.

Now you know what affiliate program is and how it works.

Yes friends, it is possible to earn good money in affiliate program, you just need to learn how to do it well and find a good affiliate program. How to find an affiliate program and a list of affiliate programs you will find in my next article. Don’t Miss, Subscribe:

I will say goodbye to you, see you in the next articles!

Leave your thoughts and comments in the comments.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
Oxunjon G'aybullayev/ author of the article
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Comments: 1
  1. Naina

    Thanks for sharing these valuable insights into earning money online.

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