Okhunjon Gaibullayev's blog

Why is it important to back up your site files?

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Hello users of my blog! This article is very important for webmasters and those new to webmastering, and it talks about backing up site files.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

The above files are our wordpress site files and they show the activity of our site.

Sometimes we make changes to these files, i.e. we add codes. If we unknowingly add the wrong code, our site may stop working. For example, this happened to me recently, the images on the site were not visible due to the code being affected.

But I fixed the error in time and my site started working properly again. My little understanding of coding also helped me.

If we make a more serious error when working with files, it will be difficult for us to fix it, and we may not even be able to fix it at all. This leads to bad results. For example, all our content (components) on our site will be lost, that is, all our articles on our site may be lost.

That’s why we need to back up the files of our site. For example, if we take a backup of our files before they get corrupted, we can solve the problem by restoring the files.

We will consider backing up files in two different ways.

First, let’s take a look at how to automatically back up files through plugins.

For this, we install and configure the WP-DB-Backup plugin.

Go to Add New from the Plugins menu of your WordPress admin panel. Enter WP-DB Backup in the search field. You’ll find a plugin by Austin Matzko.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

Click the Install button and after installation, click the Activate button. After the activation is complete, we need to make some settings.

Go to Tools-Backup menu to make settings!

Why is it important to back up your site files?

On this page, you will first see a schedule of WordPress files that are always backed up.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

In the next part, you can download the files to your computer or send them to your email whenever you want.

Once you’ve made your choice, Buckup now! button, your order will be fulfilled.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

In the last part, you can schedule the backup of files. Here you enter your email address and the files will be sent to that email at the scheduled time.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

We can schedule five different times, where Never- never, Once Weekly- once a week.

Finally, click the Schedule backup button.

Now we will back up the files using the host service. Automation of this work depends on the host service, for example, I use mchost.ru, and it does not have automation. From time to time we need to back up.

So, let’s learn how to backup on mchost.ru.

First of all, we enter the site and enter Bekapy from the main page.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

Go to the Sozdat reserve copy section, select Site and Database dannyx and press the Sozdat archive button.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

In this way the files are backed up.

Why is it important to back up your site files?

There are two main things we need to know here, and these are indicated by the red frame in the image above. The first is the location of the backup files, that is, the created files will be located here. Second, we can download files to our device by clicking these buttons.

Above, we considered two specific ways to back up site files. In conclusion, remember that this work is important and should be reserved.

We will stop the article here, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments and SUBSCRIBE to my site!

And now we say goodbye, goodbye!

( 1 assessment, average 4 from 5 )
Oxunjon G'aybullayev/ author of the article
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