Blog Oxunjon Gaybullayeva

Why do I recommend Mchost hosting?

Host tanlash

We need a good host when creating a website. Find out about such a host here!

Hello readers of my blog! Okhunjon with you again. When opening a website, we must use the best web hosting service. In this article, I want to provide information about the host service that I use.

Hosting is the location of site files on the Internet. Only after placing the site files on the host, we can publish the site on the Internet, and then users from all over the world can access our site.

I would recommend Mchost for choosing a good host. I have been using it for a long time. Read the article to the end and learn more about it!

Mchost is one of the top ten most used hosting services on runet. Because there are many conveniences, the main ones of which are:

To be able to use it for free for 3 months. This is done depending on the tariffs.

If you click on this link and enter the official site, you will see Mchost tariffs below.

Mchost has four different tariffs:

Why do I recommend Mchost hosting?

Mak-1 – In this tariff you can use 1 GB of space, one site and one database.

Mak-10 – This plan allows you to use 10 GB of space, five sites and five databases.

Mak-15 – In this tariff you can use 15 GB of space, fifteen sites and fifteen databases.

Mak-30 – In this tariff: 30GB, 40 sites and 40 databases.

You can pay monthly or annually, and payment prices will depend on your chosen tariff and payment method. For example: if you choose the first tariff Mak-1 and you want to pay monthly, it will cost you 59 rubles.

If you make a full annual payment, it will be calculated from 52 instead of 59 per month, and as a result, you will save 84 rubles.

Why do I recommend Mchost hosting?

I recommend you this tariff at the very beginning, you can change your tariff later.

I also write an article on how to use free hosting on my blog. If you SUBSCRIBE to my blog, you will be notified when the article is published.

Even if there are problems with the service, you will be able to solve your problem quickly through the HELP section.

In addition to hosting at Mchost, you can also get a domain. And if you want to create your site using platforms that serve in site preparation, you can easily install such platforms.

So, I have been using this hosting service for a long time and I always feel that there are many advantages.

I also wrote a free mini-book on how to make a site using this hosting service. You can publish your site on the Internet using the instructions in this book.

Yes, as I said, the book gives full information on how to use the host for free for 3 months.

You can download the book by visiting this link, or you can get it from the COURSES page.
I think you got the information you need about this good host, and you will get the experience after using it. If you have any additional questions, please leave them in the comments below!

Once again, I would like to ask you to SUBSCRIBE to my blog so that you will be informed about the articles published on the site.

I will say goodbye to you for now, wishing all of us success in our work, goodbye!

Author: Oxunjon G’aybullayev.

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Oxunjon G'aybullayev/ author of the article
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